Modern Art-therapy joins the League against Cancer of Angoulême (Charente) !
The activities offered to the League against cancer are adapted to the physical, psychological and social capacities of patients. These activities complement the administrative assistance provided by League volunteers.
Supportive care for the patient associated with specific treatments (surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy). Each activity provides specific care with the aim of relieving the sufferings of an existential nature of the sick.
Art therapy is part of this process. Indeed, the engagement in the artistic process has a therapeutic impact on the patient, and makes it possible to decrease anxiety and to revalorize the self-image throughout the disease. By valuing artistic work, the patient has a better self-esteem, little by little regains self-confidence, and finds a new impetus of life.
In Angoulême, plastic arts workshops with musical background are offered, in small groups (4 people max). Each patient works on his own artistic project within the group. Individual interviews are carried out upstream, and a treatment protocol is sent to each patient. Thus, the art-therapeutic work respects the objectives of each one set in advance in privacy, and above all each person advances at their own pace.
For any further information or registration, contact the Angoulême Cancer League at – 104, rue Monlogis 16000 Angoulême.
“What matters above all in a work of art is the vital depth from which it may spring.” – James Joyce